Monday 29 June 2015

Palmiste Park

Trinidad Parks

Bored at home on a Sunday evening and don't know where to go?  Why not Palmiste Park located just on the outskirts of San Fernando.  Ever thought about jogging with your little one?  You can go for a stroll, take your kids tricycle with them or even camp out on a long weekend.  It's the perfect place for small functions (birthday parties), family picnis or doing photo-shoots.  Night-time is alive and buzzing with activities as food vendors come out to sell.

Such a beautiful site, however some people who use the park abuse the surroundings.  Motorists drive through the park leaving unsightly tyre marks on the green grass.  Some people litter the area with their garbage and the park does not have a restroom.

The Palmiste Park is used to host Ramleela celebration, Phagwa and a Christmas Village.

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed a great place to have a picnic. Maybe I can bring the pepper shrimps for you to taste when we organise this Palmiste Park lime :)
